Military News: Recently we spoke of the Tungsten Rods, that were purportedly fired from space, upon the well known Cathedral, the Notre Dame in Paris on April 15th of 2019. It was leaked that the Vatican under-dogs, otherwise known as The Illuminati were attempting to manifest Lucifer back into a human form…
Warning: This post could be upsetting to sensitive souls and is intended for adult viewing only!
How? – Around 600 children were to be sacrificed after their adrenalin had been raised. This practice is done, in order to mine the adrenalin, as a compound called adrenochrome, on the black market. Widely this practice has been disrupted and even halted, due to the efforts of QAnon and the Alliance. It is claimed by users of Adrenochrome, that it reverses the ageing process and is often used to heighten sexual activity among users of the substance. An evil practice that has now been largely halted.
Further, during this disgusting event, it is claimed that The Illuminati Luciferians were planning to attempt to bring Lucifer’s consciousness back into a human form. Basically, the opposite of an exorcism. The Cathedral was damaged from space, in order to send a message to these Evil factions. Some may argue that the Rods would have caused more widespread damage. Not if they can be limited or increased in their capacity. Recently investigators have claimed that it was 6 temporary electronic bells which had wiring running to the ceiling, that may have caused the fire…
Liberati Post: July 11th 2022
Although not a new revelation, many are only just starting to learn of what may be the final intentions for these Tungsten Rods which can measure 20 feet in length and 1 foot in diameter. Yet it’s the momentum and sheer speed of these rods that can cause so much destruction. Befitting they be employed to destroy our current Earth, once replaced by the new 5D Earth (see article – Finally our return to a 5D Earth).
The U.S. Air Force is reportedly considering the deployment of a highly sophisticated new weapons systems in space, which is currently under development under ‘Project Thor.’ While the 1967 Outer Space Treaty prohibits the U.S. from deploying nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in space, this new weapon promises to deliver strikes more powerful than many types of nuclear and chemical attack – while avoiding the unfavorable fallout which follows nuclear strikes.Â
It‘s entirely possible that these Rods could be deployed, in order to put an end to Putin’s attack on the Ukraine. There can be no excuse for the evil that Russian Soldiers under Putin’s command have committed upon the Ukrainian’s. Yet, readers should also be aware that an attack upon Russia by the Ukraine was already in planning prior to Covid-19. That said, Deep State cleansing is one thing, killing innocent civilians is another. That’s where I stand on this issue. It’s not about which country should have superiority, or who was going to attack first. This is about civilian casualties and war crimes, committed by Russia’s military. When malls are destroyed, can this really be an accident? Prior to this war, other atrocities against the Geneva code and war convention were committed. Yet, few on this scale and nowhere near as publicly discussed, since social media became a personal choice for many of us.
These tungsten rods can strike at 10 times the speed of sound. Each can weigh over 10,000 kg’s and can cost over $230 million to manufacture.
Whether or not these Tungsten Rods will be used to end this current war remains speculative. We should also consider that Revelations in the bible point to our old world which is this current world for now, being destroyed by “fire from heaven”.
The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up; and all green grass was burnt up.
Revelations – 8:7
And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood.
Revelations – 8:8
And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
Revelations – 8:9
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters.
Revelations – 8:10
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
Revelations – 8:11
Note: “and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters’. I believe it’s possible that by “third part” this refers to our current third dimensional waters, as they currently vibrate in the third dimension. It could also be in reference to the first two thirds having already been diminished to an un-usable state.
Make your own conclusions, but know this. Soon we will lose 50% of God’s children to the dark lighters. Yet, all things considered, this is a choice that they themselves have made. Vibrationally over thousands of years they have never acted in accordance with God’s will, at least not enough to pull themselves into the 5th density. The judgement will occur in “the blink of an eye”. Something our Heavenly Father reiterated to me recently, when I questioned him on this. “Two men standing in a field, one remains” etc.
If we consider that one third are ear-marked for survival, out of a possible 100% what does this mean? If we take the remaining (rounded), 17% as a proportion of the remaining 67%. This means that only 25.37% will make it into the next 5th density, as a 5th density higher vibrational entity. Outside of the 33% earmarked to continue of course. This will maintain balance in our Universe, yin and yang, light and dark. God creates good. God creates evil. As stated in the biblical texts. We ourselves must choose the path we’re on. Yet it’s God who chooses us, not we who choose him. “Many are called, yet few are chosen”. Sound familiar Bob Marley fans? It’s taken straight out of the bible.
Don’t miss the boat God’s beloved. Raise your vibrational consciousness and join us in the new World. Or, be left behind to be destroyed. It’s a natural process. Unlike the processes the Illuminati employ, in a failing attempt to destroy most of mankind. In a bid to allow Reptilian’s to enslave and repopulate Mother Earth with more dark lighters. Good luck and God Bless you all! Soon we leave, with our planet to 5D Earth! – See Article – Finally our return to a 5D Earth).
Author and Editor: – 11th July 2022
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