Unproven Mrna Vaccines, Nano Bots, Voice To Skull, 5G cellular, H.A.A.R.P!
Liberati Post: Nov 28 2021 – YouTube Video – End Of Article
Okay, this video showcases the microscopic footage scientists have of the naturally occurring God made Nano Bots that are already inside of us.
The purpose of writing this article, is to prove the danger governments have placed the general public in. Whilst they’ve been vociferously proudly announcing that their Nano Bots are completely harmless, this video proves otherwise. They should be leaving the engineering of Nano Robots and the manipulation of our DNA strictly to God. At least until such technology has been thoroughly researched and tested! This could be years, even decades away yet.
The complexities of how these naturally occurring Robots symbiotically work tirelessly for our benefit are obvious. Only a higher power, God, whatever you prefer to call the Creator of such wonderments, could have created something so complex. Watching this video will no doubt make you as amazed, but also at the same time as alarmed, as it did me.
I had no choice but to pull out hairs, that were causing alarming pain to my brain
Site Editor / Article Author
Quite simply, the Government’s of our world are playing GOD with our lives and it has to stop, NOW! Law suits in some states of America and other regions around the world are already in progress to block or change legislation that forces us to be vaccinated against our will. Particularly when it means we have to have a damn passport, just to use the local services that we’ve used our entire lives. This is a blatant abuse of our civil rights. Only we, as intelligent thinking people have a right to say what goes into our body and what does not. The Government has no right whatsoever. For Christians such as myself, my body is considered “the body of Christ” and only God has the right to make this choice! In fact, this latest foray only proves what Revelations says, in the Bible. We’re actually in the days right now where we are being forced to receive ‘the mark of the beast’ before we can trade and travel freely around the world.
We all have a right to travel between countries, so long as we can prove that it’s safe to do so. Perhaps it’s a good compromise to have to prove within 48 to 72 hours that we are healthy and will not infect other’s with Covid-19. Yet, it’s taking things way too far to stop anyone who isn’t vaccinated or double vaccinated from traveling abroad freely.
It’s a really a mute point when people say, “well I have a right to be protected from getting Covid-19 or any other life threatening illness from an unvaccinated person”, when trying to argue that their right ‘s should be upheld above ours. That’s because this statement carries no more civil right than the statement “well I have a right to be protected from any type of man made Nano Bot or Vaccine that hasn’t first been researched and tested for quite some time. Let alone without a Placebo group”! Both sides have a point and both sides have a civil right to make their own choice.
So, at about the time I was pulling hairs out of my head, I was also starting to hear voices
Site Editor / Article Author
Before anyone gets all down on me, consider this. I myself have been battling these damned Nano Bots for good on 30 years now. By the grace of God, I’ve escaped getting Morgellons disease, or any other life threatening illness. This does not mean I haven’t had my battles and some have been severe. Years ago I had to bluff my way through explaining to the owner of a Café’ I was working at, that the patches of hair that were missing from my scalp were nothing contagious and that the other staff were safe. I had no choice but to pull out hairs, that were causing alarming pain to my brain. I had no idea at the time that I would later learn of the cause for this and how I could control the problem.
This occurred after the Alien Encounters I experienced back in 1998 and 1999. I’ve written a post on this event. You can read it here; https://liberati.me/we-know-ufos-exist-and-some-are-secret-govt/
A few years ago, perhaps 5 years ago now, I discovered, on YouTube an excellent animated, yet realistic movie, called ‘Metropia’.
You can find many uploads of it here; https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=metropia+full+movie
If you want to find out more about the award winning 2009 movie ‘Metropia’, directed by Tarik Saleh, you can here;
This amazing black and white movie uses a technique where photographs have been altered and heavily stylized in a computer program, and then animated. (Wiki Article). The plot centers on a man called Roger who starts hearing voices in his head, the same way that I did. I don’t want to spoil the plot for you, so if you want to watch this movie in its entirety, it’s a good idea to go and do that now and then return to read the rest of this article after the movie.
Purportedly the signals from H.A.A.R.P are directed at us and can travel through the hairs, that act like antennae, literally attracting these signals, before transmitting them to the brain.
Site Editor / Article Author
After watching this movie, you’ll have a better grasp of what it is I’m trying to tell you. You’ll understand what it is I’ve been going through since 1991 and how millions around the world are also experiencing ‘voice to skull’ technology. Some of these people have unfortunately been diagnosed incorrectly by specialists and in the worst case scenario, have unfortunately taken their own lives. So what does all of this have to do with this article? Read on…..or watch the movie!
So, at about the time I was pulling hairs out of my head, I was also starting to hear voices. Psychologists will always ask you “are any of these voices telling you to harm yourself or another individual”? Or words to that effect. It’s an invasive and condescending trauma to experience, when you know you’re completely lucid and sane. At the time I didn’t have a choice. Once you’ve divulged you’ve been an alien abductee they dig for more. In a bid to escape these insane interrogations you answer their questions. That’s because, you soon learn that if they can find nothing wrong with you they will can and will actually imprison you even longer. This, in a bid to actually discover something more significant. Of course at the end of all this questioning, the Judge told me, that they could find nothing wrong with me and therefore they no longer had the power to detain me for “further examination”. I was lucky, I live in New Zealand. In some countries I may have lost my liberties for more than 10 days, or even have been deleted from society for good! You can read a future article on this, if you wish to know more. In the interests of finishing this article, back to ‘the hair pulling’.
So I watched ‘Metropia’ with interest and soon discovered that I may as well have been the main male actor in the movie, a man called Roger. This character in the movie is voiced by Vincent Gallo. As the movie progresses, one discovers that Roger has discovered that the company that runs the European rail network called Trexx has found a way to read and control people’s minds. They achieve this by selling a dandruff shampoo called ‘Dangs’. Now, although many of you will just think this is Science Fiction, it most definitely is not. You see, after researching for many years I discovered this interesting break through.
Many of you will have heard of H.A.A.R.P or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This is a project that has long been the subject of debate. Situated In Alaska, the United States Air Force declared in 2014 that it intended to shut down this facility. It’s powerful and is responsible for creating the world’s first artificially produced aurora, in 2005. It’s also dangerous. It’s claimed that it can pump billions of gigahertz into the Earth’s Atmosphere and surround the entire planet like a giant balloon. It can then feed artificial voices to us through the hairs on our head. Because hairs are closely associated in proximity to the human brain, they are a prime candidate for abuse. Purportedly, the signals from H.A.A.R.P are directed at us and can travel through the hairs, that act like antennae, literally attracting these signals, before transmitting them to the brain. Thus, the effect is ‘Voice to Skull’, another controversial topic for discussion and one that warrants a post of its own. Look for it here soon.
H.A.A.R.P has been blamed for many events over the years. Here’s just one sample from an article in 2014 by NBC News. Excerpt; “Online, conspiracy theorists suggest that HAARP was to blame for the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan; the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado of 2013; a landslide in 2006 in the Philippines; and many more natural disasters. Other conspiracy theories hold that HAARP controls people’s minds or is capable of altering the very fabric of reality”.
Full Article Here: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/conspiracy-theories-abound-u-s-military-closes-haarp-n112576
Finally I updated to the latest controversial 5G network. I did this in June of 2020. Again, the voices intensified.
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To digress just for a moment. As God as my witness, almost the minute I started writing about H.A.A.R.P, I started hearing a strange irregular clicking noise coming from behind my laptop. In the past I’ve researched the ‘Click Beetle’ which are native to New Zealand. The clicking noise is used to avoid predation and comes from their spine. It can also be heard when the Beetle tries to right itself by snapping their spine into a notch in the mesosternum. It’s not likely that any such insect could crawl into my laptop, let alone survive once inside. Besides, this Beetle is simply too big to crawl inside my laptop anyway. Yet, I have, from time to time, heard these strange clicking noises coming from the back of my laptop, even whilst in the library. It’s strange because when I place my ear closer to the source to determine what it is, the clicking then stops. Could this be H.A.A.R.P? Could it be some form of Artificial Intelligence that knows what I’m doing and corresponds accordingly? Back to the article…
I can only conclude that the idea for the movie ‘Metropia’ actually came from people’s real life experiences with ‘voice to skull’. I’ve noticed that following a shampoo and conditioning of the hair that the condition is magnified. Having to pull hairs out of my skull to deaden the pain, thankfully didn’t last very long, perhaps from memory about a year or two.
Research indicates that the 2G cellular network was first activated in 1991. It can be no coincidence that the first time I started hearing a couple having sex in a neighboring flat when I knew no-one was home was in 1991! Not just on one occasion but on several. In fact, I’ve tried to prove over the last 20 years that these voices are nothing but demons or dis-embodied spirits that have somehow latched onto me at some stage. I’m a stout Christian with no interest in lust and also single. I’ve been celibate for 28 years. I don’t smoke and I don’t drink. I don’t take drugs and I pray and read the bible continuously. So who are these three spirits that have dogged me for decades? Are they A.I?
It wasn’t until 2001 when I started being followed everywhere by three people that didn’t exist, at least not visibly. One was a man who sounds about 30ish. Another is a woman who sounds about 40ish. Another is a young flighty girl, fairly immature and sounds like a teen or someone in their late teens. At first the low level sexual murmuring came from the man and the woman. It wasn’t until later in 2001 that I started to now hear a third member of the group and this was the young girl. This was the year I switched to the 3G Cellular Network. What year did it come out? The year 2000!
I updated my mobile phone again, this time to a smart phone in 2017 which was my first 4G mobile phone. The intensity of the voices of the three once again intensified. Finally I updated to the latest controversial 5G network. I did this in June of 2020. Again the voices intensified. When was the 5G cellular network activated in New Zealand? 2019! I should note that when buying these phones I had no idea at all of the controversy surrounding the possible use of cellular networks for probing people’s minds. Even with the research I was doing, I did not co-relate what was happening within the cellular network upgrades with what was happening to me personally. Not until after I switched to 5G in 2020 and not until recently did I start to research the possibility that the 5G cellular network could be interacting illegally with the human mind. Let alone any years prior to this. It seems too much to be coincidence that I was upgrading my mobile phones around the same time that the cellular networks were being upgraded. Although, it’s possible that I subliminally did this in response to auto suggestion from advertisements. It’s also possible that I was being guided remotely to do this without even realizing it.
Not withstanding this, the three continue to call me names and harass me in immeasurable ways, not to mention using my Christian name frequently as a kind of pre-cursor to a statement. I’ve learned to control frequencies, vibrations, moods and even health conditions now, by employing meditation and other techniques. Because of this, for the first time in decades, I’m now becoming their controller and turning the tables against them. I know when a Nano Bot is restricting my throat passage or working on a specific area of my brain or body and know how to control them using meditation. I’ll describe some of these useful techniques in upcoming articles.
What we put into our own bodies is no-one’s business but our own.
Site Editor / Article Author
As you can tell by now, you should be VERY aware of the possible dangers of receiving unproven vaccines. I’m living proof. No-one needs to tell me just how uncomfortable and dangerous ‘voice to skull’ and ‘Nano Bots’ can truly be. I first started receiving extremely uncomfortable vibrations in 2012, when Barack Obama was placing us on the brink of world war three, Gee….go figure….another one of those coincidences. I discovered later that these were to be my first non visible encounters with ‘dragons’ and ‘draco’ reptilians. I had already had a visible encounter with one in 1997, prior to Grey visitations and returning to Christianity in late 1999, after the second abduction. Although I had already started to return to Christianity before the first Grey’s visitation, back in December of 1998 in the Auckland CBD.
After you’ve watched this video, you’re not likely to ever think about manufactured Nano Technology in the same way ever again. Particularly the possible dangers that lurk from having them injected straight into the blood stream. It’s clear to me and many others that The Illuminati want to control our minds and to create some sort of Utopian society. That’s no secret to many of us already. It’s also no secret that they’re failing in their quest. Thanks to both billions of followers of the Christian faith and other faiths. Yet, also due to the hard stance many millions of individuals and groups from around the world have taken in defending our liberties and forcing changes in our legislation.
It’s up to you to deny these changes in legislation, if you wish to retain your liberty. You have your civil rights. What we put into our own bodies is no-one’s business but our own. We must stop accepting that just because the masses are complying, that the rest of us are ‘bad’ people or ‘rebels’ or that we’re ‘breaking or flaunting the law’. At least two articles I’ve posted on this blog proves that these Mrna vaccines have not been widely researched. In addition to that, they have not been correctly tested with placebo groups. This is the usual approach, to test whether a drug or vaccine is effective in achieving its purpose. Yet many of the vaccines have not been tested in this way, even prior to the Covid-19 outbreak!
Watch this YouTube video and prepare to be amazed, as you view a true portrayal of what’s going on inside our bodies. It’s simply too incredible to not appreciate that there is a higher intelligence creating all of this. Then decide for yourself, how safe is it that our scientists are playing God in trying to get man made Robots into as many of us as possible, without years of extensive prior research?
Author and Editor: Liberati.me – 28th November 2021
[Article may be shared in its entirety. It may not be altered in any way and must include all attributions, for materials used in the article, plus attribution to the Author, Editor and Website – including date and post link)