No Fear – Forget alien invasion any time soon. We’re seeing contact right now, by advanced Alien Civilizations and they’re here to assist ascension.
Liberati Post: Mar 13th 2022
In recent years, there’s been much discussion, online and offline, surrounding Ufo’s, Et’s or Extra Terrestrial’s and the possibility of an Alien invasion.
We, the so called ‘crazies’ who believe in Et’s and Ufo’s have often been ridiculed. Yet we, particularly those like me who have already had ‘close contact’ experiences, can fiinally be vindicated. What a relief!!
We don’t just have documented evidence to support our experiences and validate them, thanks to Wiki Leaks and other trusted sources. Today, Im going to give you a link to a website that provides videos of visiting ships, the flying kind of course. For reasons I’ll outline, there’s something a little different happening here. Take a trip through ‘The Lion’s Gate’ and you’ll see what I’m talking about here…
The Eceti Ranch
The Eceti ranch is located at Trout Lake, Washington. Night vision technology is available, so that anyone who wishes to view Star Ships, possibly Mother Ships and even Orbs can do so, for themselves. The Eceti Ranch has been garnering much attention from extraterrestrial beings, our higher acension Angels and Spirit Guides, as well as Government officials.The ranch says that this is the reason for why they discontinued registration, choosing to become a private entity instead, patenting the land in the process.
Eceti Ranch is garnering attention, from what a growing number of individuals around the globe are now understanding to be ‘higher forms of consciousness’. By connecting with ‘higher forms of consciousness’ we also connect with our own higher form of consciousness, our self awareness or ‘God Self”. The result of that of course is that we draw them closer to us, to assist us in raising the vibrational frquencies of all Sentient beings, our planet, our Universe and all that it affects within the larger time space continuum.
Intelligent beings of a ‘higher thought consciousness’ than humanity come with surprises. Perhaps, especially for those who haven’t enjoyed the excitement of Alien contact yet. I’m rather excited about what’s happening at the Eceti ranch. Yet, this is not about me. It’s a global phenomena that’s about to occur here, perhaps during a world wide simultaneous event, as our extraterrestrial space alliies begin to reveal themselves on a global scale!
What are 500 Mother Ships doing parked around Jupiter? Well, either they’re getting ready to land and make contact with humanity. Or, they’re watching Russia advance upon the Ukraine, in what could eventuate in World War III. Maybe even a dual purpose, because the time is right. Many of us are aware that this invasion could just be Putin cleansing the Ukraine of the DS (Deep State). Many of us will choose the first over the latter. That is to say, they are here to announce themselves. I mean, why wouldn’t you right? Yet, if we look at this from a non fear perspective, it’s quite simply because we’ve raised our planet’s / people’s vibrations to a higher level of consciousness and we’re ready to become known to all mankind as a valid member of ‘The Intergalactic Federation Of Light’. Or, to put it in more simple terms, we’re ready to join ‘the advanced space race’.
Take a look for yourselves and see what a scouting ship looks like. Sill somehat large in proportion, when you consider that it’s parked 13 miles away at the base of Mt Adams.
If any of you have read my other blogs, then you would know by now who I am, apart from being the author of Let me say this as humbly as I can. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that they’ve chosen Mt Adams to make their presence known. I believe it’s to make a direct co-relation with Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. I also believe that it’s no coincidence that those who established the Eceti ranch chose the spot they did at Trout Lake, approximately 13 miles from Mt Adams. We’ve had some volatile activity at Mt St Helens which is only 90 miles away. I don’t know if that’s significant or not.
However, in the movie ‘Close Encounters Of The Third Kind’ (1977), mainly Roy Neary, played by Richard Dreyfuss, is drawn supernaturally to Devils Tower in Wyoming. Within the mountain’s center, he and Jillian Guiler, played by Melinda Dillon make a discovery. The government has created a landing area, for the purposes of contact with the visiting extraterrestrials. Aside from the fact that Devil’s Tower isn’t that far from the Eceti ranch, here’s another fact for UFO bufffs. Mellinda was in desperate need of work as an actress.She had returned from the Unemployment office to find the script of ‘CE3K’ on her doorstep. Before taking her role in the film, she was awoken at around 3 a.m. She looked out of her window towards the ocean to notice a glowing orange disc, above the waters. After which she felt compelled to take the role. Her current circumstances probably had some bearing. Yet, it seemed less relevant to her accepting the role or not.. In addition to this Steven Spielberg, the movie’s producer also felt compelled to choose Devil’s Tower to write into the movies script.

It just gets better. The scenes that were shot at Devil’s Tower Wyoming, were actually shot in a de-commissioned Military hangar nearby. A storm began to rage. It was decided, that a large tarpaulin would cover the open part of the set, yet there was a struggle to retain it and fiming was shut down until the storm had settled. There was much arguing among the actors and film crew, with few getting along. It also became apoarent that they were not alone. A group of UFO’s were spotted flying over the filn set. This was witnessef by many in awe, including the head of Panorama films, where the movie was under production.
Not long after this, the storm subsided. The actors, the fim set and everyone involved in the fim’s production began to get along. To say that there was some type of devine force present is an understatement. Before production began, Spielberg and a few of his crew arrived at a Motel they had booked into Soon after discussions about the movie began they felt uneasy, as if someone were watching them. After noticing shiny or sneaky eyes, out of their peripheral vision, they were so spooked that they decided to book into another Motel, immediately.
There have been many other reports in history, the same or similar to this. There is much more hapoening under divine guidance than what we give credit for. Perhaps this blog will assist some in their liberation journey.
Author and Editor: – 13th March 2022
Credits: The Eceti Ranch –
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